Get an advance draft of the book the Wayseer Manifesto is based on! This is the manual for the Wayseer mind. Discover this vital breakthrough for free-spirits, visionaries, misfits, rebels and pioneers: How your rare irrepressible mind ~ the source of your greatest strengths and weaknesses ~ gives you the miraculous ability to transform the world.
Be one of the first to get a limited edition advance draft of the radical new book that you will swear was written just about you - as a FREE gift - when you contribute to the Wayseers Movement.
This special Pre-Release LIMITED Edition of this book is ONLY AVAILABLE HERE through this website as a "thank you gift" for your contribution. When you make the contribution below - we'll immediately send you out a limited edition advance copy of this book. THIS BOOK IS NOT AVAILABLE NOT IN STORES, because this book is NOT PUBLISHED YET. It will be published in the coming months. But when you contribute to the Wayseers Movement you can get an advacne review copy sent to you immediately.
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why support the production of this book?
Let me answer with a story: A monk went to his master and said, "Master, it feels as if there are two dogs fighting in my heart. One is for all that is good in me. The other is for all that is evil. Master, tell me which dog will win?" The Master answered, "The dog that you feed."
Currently you probably spend all kinds of time and money feeding giant corporations and corporate greed by buying their overpriced coffee, their 2 year contracts, their sweatshop merchandise, their loan-shark financing... But how much do you feed the little guy, the good earnest people who put their necks out to try to make the world a better place?
The idea that every good spiritual cause should be free is noble, but innapropriate while we operate in a society that hurls all of our resources to feed giant gluttonous corporate empires who are willing to destroy our planet, our communities and our livelihoods to fill their coffers. That's why our society is in trouble, because we've been programmed with some very backwards ideas of what deserves our financial support. The Wayseers Movement is trying to help reverse this tide by waking up Wayseers to what they truly are, but in order to be successful it is important that you help us.
TL;DR - Even Tyler Durden had to sell his soap to sponsor their revolution.
what if you need help yourself?
If you realize this book could change your life, but you TRULY cannot afford to to make the contribution requested, please email us with "Financial Assistance Request" in the subject and tell us what you can afford. We'll hook you up with the ebook.
Remember that scene in It's a Wonderful Life when there was a run on the banks? Well that's how it feels over here with the hundreds of "Financial Assistance Requests" we're trying to fulfill. It looks like times have been tough on a lot people. But the beautiful thing is that people are still giving what they can. Sometimes it's $5. Sometimes it's $10. It's always touching - the sincerity of our tribe. Even if you can't afford a penny - we'll hook you up. Money should never get in the way of our devotion to each other.